Monday, September 26, 2011

in making this blog i new i had nothing to say lol saying that its been a week since my last post and let me tell you is was nothing serious just some lame introduction to this spot 'my page'. so what to chat to you folkz about.lets rewind to the beginning of the summer. on the rush to get back to Cali (b/c of tornado's) i was in hopes of finding a job to pay off my tuition.i just knew i was getting back to OU for next semester. turns out the economy was right? lol there was and is still a slim chance that you will find a job in Cali mind you. but after a long search blood and tears with alot of suns going down I FOUND ONE! yaye rt? wrong omgee my job was nothing but a legal hustle.i was Begin pimped by the system welp that had to come to a stand a rebellious soul anyway and to be constantly pestered,irked, and ruffled was cramping my style.nope had to get outta thur and on the the next THANK YOU YAHWEH. with a few conversations through my church family Is gots me a job i truly I'm a Hostess/Cashier dealing with people on there terms serving and touching lives. for example yesterday a man who seemingly was a bum came through the market seeking a hint of humanity. a hint of love'warmness' he came to our both and now that i looked back i didn't realize his 'situtaion' just a person who needed service i  provided him such service as if he were society\ies perception of normal. he gazed at me with judgemental eyes in surprise. unbelief that i didn't cringe at his touch. he decided to buy something from our both. stood there not knowing what to expect next. he said"not many people are friendly here at this market" suggesting the customer service was below satisfactory. but because of my smile and love radiating from around me he chose to put money in my pocket lol touching someones life is all worth while.