Monday, September 26, 2011


True and Perfect Beauty,

You are still my MOON. You embrass me,much like tornado blasting your way through my heart. Loving you is like trying to catch smoke with ones bare hand. MOON, you are a ghostly galleon,tossing in my cloudy mind. Much like myself the nights sky belongs to you. Limitless, as high as it is wide. So hard to ignore the winking stars in your testiment black darkness. Giving not truth nor fact but possibilities.And there, I LOVE YOU,"THE MOON",inundated of your spell,under the midnight stars.

I cant seem to fathom by the life of me why i perfer the night over day. Niether why i rather the moon over the sun...Daylight, she drowned further and heavier into his abyess. Theres something about a moon-lite night with dim light of stars; the sky is deeper.a brilliant painfully dark rollercoaster of ecstasy. Forever in eachothers shadow. Never touching. Always passing , clocking shifts. Eventhough afternoon shadows are stretched long and thin."O RADIANT DARK! O DARKLY FOSTERED RAY! THOU HAST A JOY TO DEEP FOR SHALLOW DAY."(1)

My MOON, carry me to the edge of your eternal swarth. I know you. You are exploding stars and colliding galaxies. Eyes open i plung myself into your dusk and your obscurity covers me like a blanket. Distant stars magnifys silence , and still, you are, MOON. I welcome the hush of the evening and I kiss the sky.

Soon,MOON. You will be overwhelmed by the fierce SUN. You will endure dawns slow promise of warmth. You will have to bask under her glow. But for now, in your infinite sky, motionless above, you have turned day into night.


THE SUN (ur tulip)

(1)"The Radiant Dark" di George Eliot (1819-18

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