Wednesday, October 29, 2014


This paper thin commitment is key to maintaining distance.perseverance allows my resistant. Dragging emotions through electric shock aversion therapy to punish sufficient-Ly. Directly directing me in the direction of conceplating conversion and yet this virgin new to the masking of deception is simply disgusted! Coming to the conclusion that people are justly not to be trusted. And this whole paradigm of mine (The FairyTale) has to be adjusted. But it defies all logic; us creatures essence is to love; yet us very same creatures choose to forfeit. I'm looking around this place This Barren place and I'm starting to work up anxieties (ever so softly God says anxiety  is a life without me) Yet my bass gently weeps. Clear glass turns to scarlet cup, drunken deep by societies; while organic varieties are divvied up. I seek regression towards the mean supervisory routine and As a machine my purpose is to shake blend mix and or stirr it up.they demand from me 'without becoming upset accept that our caricatures soaking are set'. Eyes drenched in soul , morality not met and I've had enough! Drowning in oxygen debt, putting up w/nothing b/c that's all I can get. Loyalty a party of none is rough. This paper thin commitment, is key to maintaining distance; foolishly I am presistant. I will not go gently into the goodnight, of this I  insistant. I blame (Faith) the unfailing of telescopic sight.With all my might , I must rage; I will rage; against the dying of the light.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Dear Trini

Allow me to activate your entirety. Bellying the gate to your intensity while you perfectly execute and showcase your ability; to cause the malleability of this consumers mind to ruminate susceptibility. (Selling myself) I can recycle your garbage into a classic piece of street poetry. 'Come slowly , Eden , lips unused to thee'{E.Dickinson}( you see; ...after hurt , I allow myself to want , to a tolerable degree.oh kind sir, don't mistake me; I have the tenacity to drop you from my memory quite easily. Yet you, panman, are dear to me. Consume my sincerity. Verily, unto you I offer the probability of destiny,possibly the growth of intimacy, despite proximity? Who knows(shrug), our comradery, could be the remedy to life's Severity.