Saturday, November 12, 2011

that moment when..

that moment when you have to force yourself to breathe .loud overly dramatic inward outward chest moving heaving audible sighs. a consuming throbbing  in your throat , and itz almost like time stands still.tears haven't yet come to your eyes but you feel them rising. an intensity has befalling you and your ears  begin to ring with an are uneasy unable to just be.your heart is beating so fast that it sends your body in shock for lack of beating.your numb thoughts are tossed and all you can do is feel. THE ALGEA bare upon you and u feel completely isolated. these anxieties has become ALGOS pain of the body and are experiencing heartache. you've thought you known her but u have never essentially gained her there is no wonder why heart ache can cause death.
you are in love no such pain can exist without love.your comfort has stripped himself from you.he has denounce all which he has quickly his Storge/Agape love for you transformed into hate.he has to love you for the energy of hating you. you are suffocating swamped in confusion.yet knowing every move and every root. so why does it hurt so bad. why do you feel yourself try to convince your self that this is nothing but an unpleasant are lucid and the pain is the only thing that makes it are experiencing heartache!!!!
you are swaddle in fear,hate,lose,mystification and in this one night it seems never are begging pleading for stillness of body mind and soul and your baffling goes  have trapped yourself.your spirit loves a lua without force or fell. what is worse the physical filling of loneliness or the thought?the acts of him not wanting you or the verbal slashes? you cant focus and you don't know who to blame.heavy are the tears that wont  turn off. your voice has left you and it doesn't phase want bloodcurdling scream, you want to kick and fight and cry and yell .you want to scratch away at yourself until blood streams from your pores. anything but this rejection. anything but this false truth. are experiencing  heartache.
you'll get over it