Saturday, April 14, 2012

Landscape with Underlined Concept 4/6/12

to hear hollow words or sincere verbs taking voyage to fan the silence to her is unnecessary.
the words reaching out like desperate hands LOVE ME,only no answer but blank faces.
deep rising eyes draped in a sadness damned to silence. damned in exile.
they're too afraid of voices that makes them three dimensional a family connection scares them crawling back into
the void avoidance fits them so well.
she is well worn torn and wholly alone.It's never ending as long as shes been breathing its been this way.
a never ending night but she never goes to sleep.
she'd kill for her reality to be a nightmare but Awakening will not vanish it.
Hate, anger, frustration,How does she survive?Confusion, distraught, depression.
Why even be alive?
They chose not to see the screams behind her eyes and they
deafen their ears to suit so they wont be infected By this emotive mute.
because they don't care only inside she'll cry knowing it makes no difference to them
whether she lives or dies. her heart became numb way see they start to hate her
 because emotions towards them she lacks.her soul always wept the sorrows passed away,
 but the pain is still kept.she wants to remember all of them together.going back to the beginning when
i love you to her meant forever.Ghastly, deafening silence seeps through her seams. if theres a way out
 she must find it by any means.they're Harboring a lifetime of melancholy blue dejection,
reeking of ripe regret them a family Too vague to remember Too important to forget.

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